Let the story tell the story
The Bing Rooming House Museum content covers exhibits, photographs, art, sports hall of fame, genealogy research and oral history.
“Truth crushed to earth shall rise again” and it is the responsibility of all of us to research and accurately disseminate our findings. The findings so far is powerful indeed. We need not embellish the findings: all we need to do is “let the story tell the story.”

Current exhibits include Marshall Negro High School, Military Veteran's, Soul of Music, Laura Street and Sports Hall of Fame.

Historic Pictures
We have partnered with the Plant City Photo Archives & History Center to display photo exhibits every six months as part of the the archives 10,000 unit collection of African American pictures taken from 1931 to 2021.

PC Sports Hall of Fame
Each year the Bing House Museum inducts a local athlete into the Sports Hall of Fame. 2021 inductee is National Martial Artist Mr. Michael "Rhino" Thomas. Student of Master Rodgers Plant City Open Air Dojo.

Oral History
We have a library of interview videos with local area senior citizens. These oral history accounts help us in accurately preserving history from a personal experience perspective.
How can you help preserve?
Most of our historic content comes from local residents whom donate items for public display. Some are for permanent display and others “loan” items for a certain period of time. Please contact us if you have history you wish to share.
- Former Marshall High School
- Pictures and items from former Laura Street Businesses
- Family Tree and family reunion t-shirts
Volunteer Opportunities
The Bing Rooming House Museum welcome volunteers who express a desire to accurately preserve, interpret and present local history. The Museum provides a number of resources to assist.
- Research -, newspaper archives
- Partners; the Plant City Photo Archives & History Center 1 mile away
- Oral History Library; Reaves, Tanner, Rogers, Goodwine